
Thursday 28 February 2019

Incredible benefits & uses of Lavender oil.

Lavender is an herb. The flower and the oil of lavender are used to make medicine.If you only use one essential oil, this is it!
Lavender (scientific name  lavandula angustifolia) is the most versatile of all essential oils. Lavender is commonly used for anxiety, restlessness, insomnia, depression, headache, pain skin and hair care as well.
 It may be used to cleanse cuts, bruises and skin irritations. The fragrance is calming, relaxing and balancing – physically and emotionally. Carrying a bottle of lavender around with you is like having your own personal first aid kit.

Benefits And Uses
1.  Calming
Studies show the inhalation of lavender has a soothing and calming effect on the nervous system, making it a great alternative for alleviating stress, anxiety, depression, and fatigue.

·    Rub 2-3 drops of lavender oil in your cupped palms,
·    use the inhalation method to draw the scent all the way into your amygdala gland (the emotional warehouse) in your brain to calm the mind.
·    rub on the feet, temples, wrists (or anywhere) for an immediate calming effect on the body.
·    Great for use in crowded areas like planes or subways to carve out your own personal oasis
2.  Adding a few drops of lavender oil to a diffuser next to you bed at night can help relax the mind and the body and improve your overall sleep
3.  Lavender is an anti-inflammatory, so it can be used to relieve inflamed and itchy skin caused by eczema or insect bites. Put a drop of Lavender oil on a bee sting or insect bite to stop itching reduce swelling.
4.     Minor burn: Put 2-3 drops Lavender oil on a minor burn to decrease pain. NO redness, swelling or pain will be there.NO sign of any burn. Lavender works wonders!
5.     Cuts: Drop Lavender oil on cut to stop bleeding, clean wound, and kill bacteria.
6.     Eczema / Dermatitis: Mix several drops of Lavender oil with a nut or vegetable mixing oil (coconut, sesame, etc) and use topically on eczema and dermatitis. I have a dear friend who suffers from severe eczema and swears by this.
7. Diffuse pure lavender oil in the air or inhale directly for at least 30 seconds as needed to manage mood.
8. To alleviate the symptoms of motion sickness, place a drop of Lavender oil on end of tongue, behind the ears or around the navel.
9. Nosebleed: To stop a nosebleed, put a drop of lavender oil on a tissue and wrap it around a small chip of ice. Push the tissue covered ice chip up under the middle of the top lip to the base of the nose and hold as long as comfortable or until the bleeding stops (do not freeze the lip or gum).
10. Rub a drop of lavender oil on dry, chapped or sunburned lips.
11. Rub a drop of lavender oil between your palms and inhale deeply to help alleviate the symptoms of hay fever.
12. Rub several drops of lavender oil with olive oil into the scalp to help eliminate dandruff.
13. For bald spots (alopecia areata): A combination of essential oils including 3 drops of lavender, 3 drops of rosemary, 2 drops of thyme, and 2 drops of cedarwood, all mixed with 3 ml jojoba oil and 20 ml grapeseed oil has been used. Each night, the mixture is massaged into the scalp for 2 minutes with a warm towel placed around the head to increase absorption.
14. Lavender also stimulates blood circulation, so it can greatly improve hair growth when applied to the scalp in an olive oil mixture.
15. Lavender's antimicrobial and antifungal properties make it an excellent choice to combat a cold sore.  Put a drop of lavender oil on a cold sore.            
16. Recent research says that inhaling lavender scent or massaging the oil into the temples, forehead, and neck (specifically behind your ears) can treat headaches.
17. Applying a dilution of lavender oil and distilled water to a wound can help stimulate cell regeneration and heal the wound faster.
18. Applying lavender oil to the abdomen during your menstrual cycle can help alleviate cramping.
19. Lavender is packed with antioxidants that protect and nourish your skin, making it a perfect addition to any skincare formula.
20. Lavender is antimicrobial and antibacterial. So it can be used to treat an acne flare-up or keep it at bay.
21. Consistently using an oil with lavender in the formula can minimize the appearance of sunspots.
22. Keep a bottle of Lavender on hand for minor and occasional skin irritations.
23. Freshen your linen closet, mattress, car, or the air by combining Lavender with water in a spray bottle.
24. Add to bath water to soak away stress or apply to the temples and the back of the neck to ease muscle tension.
25. Use in cooking to soften citrus flavors and add a flavorful twist to marinades, baked goods, and desserts.
26.Lavender can help you to feel more grounded and focused, helping you concentrate and think clearly when used aromatically throughout the room or home, or just on your body.
27. Add a few drops of lavender to any recipe (brownies, bars, cookies, dessert recipes, raw chocolate or salad dressings) you want to enhance the taste.

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