
Tuesday 4 June 2019

How To Know Your Skin Type & Skin Care Routine

How To Know Your Skin Type & Skin Care Routine

What is your skin type? Don’t know? Then this article is only for you. A product (be it cleanser/ moisturizer/ toner/ sunscreen) will not give the same result to those who have used because of their different skin type.
·            Knowing your skin type is the first step to follow a healthy skin care regime. You can categorize your skin according to whether it is oily, dry, normal, sensitive, or a combination of these conditions.
·            If you misdiagnose your skin type and use the wrong products, it can harm your skin and lead to irritation, excess oil, breakouts or drying out skin which can make wrinkles more apparent.
·            Skin type typically remains the same. Skin conditions might also change over time, or can be affected by environment, age, lifestyle, bad habits or hormone changes.
·            For example, your skin may get more oily in summer but needs to be slathered with lotion in the winter. Or most of the girls experience more acne or oily skin as a teenager or you might get pimples/ rashes after marriage or at certain times in your cycle or pigmentation, dark spots after pregnancy or with ageing.
·            Don’t worry. You may have to find out some separate ones to tackle temporary concerns. But for these your first step is to know your skin type, second step is get a solid skincare routine of products that match your skin type coupled with a healthy diet.

Skin Type depends on certain factors such as -
Ø  Simple Genetics
Ø  Climate
Ø  Hormones
Ø  Medications
Ø  Diet/Allergies
Ø  Skin Care regime

How to Identify Your Skin Type

It’s a simple test. Just follow these steps.

Step 1: Wash your face with a gentle cleanser to remove all makeup, oil and dirt before going to bed.

Step 2: Pat face dry with a soft towel and leave skin bare. Don’t apply any moisturizers or serums. Let your skin act naturally overnight. (It’s tough but one night for the test)

Step 3: Next morning look closely and note the quality of your skin.

After washing face & leaving it for overnight as it is, next morning if your skin feels…….

Dry skin

Oily skin
Combination skin

Normal skin

Sensitive skin

There is no hard and fast rule, skin types can commonly fall into different age groups. Teens and those in their early 20’s typically experience more oily skin as this is when sebaceous glands are most active. Mid to late 20’s and early 30’s usually have combination skin. And, mid 30’s and older tend to lean toward dry skin since our skin loses its ability to produce oil and retain moisture as we age.

Also read:     

Best Homemade Skin TONER  According To Skin Type

Best Homemade DE-TAN Pack According To Skin Type

Dry Skin

If you have dry skin you should know certain factors.

·            Simple Genetics & Hormones
·            Simply your skin produces less oil (or sebum)
·            Dry climate
·            AC during summer for a long time
·            Heaters during cold weather for a long time
·            Not drinking enough water ( 10 – 12 glasses)
·            Hot showers/baths
·            Side effects of medecines
·            Age factor (metabolic changes can cause our skin to get drier and thinner as we get older).
·            Not having a healthy diet

What to Avoid & Follow:

1.    Avoid long, hot showers since it wicks moisture from skin , 10 to 15 minutes in water that is comfortable, but not too hot is fine. Do not shower more than once per day.

2.    Use moisturizer after showering. If it is too dry use it twice a day ( morning , night)

3.    Use mild, gentle, non scented soaps. Don't scrub hard when you wash, this will further dry your skin.

4.    Avid alcohol and sulfate-based products, which can strip your skin’s natural oils.

5.    If you use a AC / heater / live in a dry climate, consider getting a humidifier( a bowl / bucket of normal water) for your home or bedroom.

6.     If you are washing dishes, using strong soaps, or cleaning chemicals wear gloves / apply moisturizer after washing hands.

7.    Protect your skin from harsh weather. This includes wind, sunshine, and hot and cold temperatures. All can contribute to drying out your skin. Cover up as much as you can and wear sunscreen, even when it is cold, but sunny.

8.    Have plenty of water (8-10 glasses)

9.    Have a healthy diet (full of antioxidant , fiber etc)

10. No smoking & drinking or any kind of addiction that might be harmful to your skin health.

Oily Skin

If you are an oily skin person you should certain factors.

·            Genetics structure & Hormones
·            Your sebaceous glands overproduce oil (sebum)
·            Due to humid climate
·            Not following proper skin care regime
·            Not having a healthy diet

What to Avoid & Follow:

1.    Avoid Oil-based cleansers, moisturizers and makeup since these will clog our pores and you will end up having blackheads , whiteheads and pimples.

2.    Using only beauty products which are labeled as noncomedogenic. This means that they have been tested and demonstrated not to clog pores. This is particularly important if you wear makeup.

3.    Do not pick or squeeze pimples and blackheads, these can cause irritation, scars & dark spot.

4.    Use mild, gentle, non scented soaps.

5.    Avoid alcohol and sulfate-based products, which can strip your skin’s natural oils.

6.    Have plenty of water (8-10 glasses)

7.    Have a healthy diet (full of antioxidant , fiber etc)

8.    No smoking & drinking or any kind of addiction that might be harmful to your skin health.

Combination Skin

If you are a combination skin person you should know these factors.

·            Genetics structure & Hormones
·            Your sebaceous glands overproduce oil (sebum) in the T-zone
·            Not following proper skin care regime
·            Imbalance in treating Oily & Dry area differently
·            Not having a healthy diet

What to Avoid & Follow:

1.    Carefully handle oily & dry/normal area

2.    For oily area use only products that are labeled as noncomedogenic.

3.    Protect your skin from extreme temperatures, wind, and harsh chemicals.

4.    Have plenty of water (8-10 glasses)

5.    Have a healthy diet (full of antioxidant , fiber etc)

6.    No smoking & drinking or any kind of addiction that might be harmful to your skin health.

Normal Skin

If you are a normal skin person , you are so lucky, enjoy it....everyone will be jealous of you including me also.

·            Genetics structure & Hormones

What to Avoid & Follow:
1.    Normal skin is one of the first skin types to show signs of aging. So include some anti-aging and hydrating products in your skincare routine.

2.    Follow a proper skin care regime

3.    Have plenty of water (8-10 glasses)

4.    Have a healthy diet (full of antioxidant , fiber etc)

5.    No smoking & drinking or any kind of addiction that might be harmful to your skin health.

Sensitive Skin

If you are a sensitive skin person , you should always be extra careful about your skin.

·            Genetics structure & Hormones
·            Weather
·            The water you use might not be suitable for your skin.
·            Not having a healthy diet
·            The products you use (makeup, lotions, soap, laundry detergent, etc.), can include fragrances or harsh chemicals which can aggravate skin sensitivities or allergies.

What to Avoid & Follow:

1.    Always do a 24 hour test patch on skin before applying a new product to your entire face.

2.    Products with lots of synthetic fragrance, heavy dyes or harsh chemicals might inflame potential allergies or irritations.

3.    Try to stick to your skin care products, do not very often experiment with your skin care regime.

4.    Become best friends with samples, don’t waste your money or time returning a product you ultimately won’t be able to use.

5.    Have plenty of water (8-10 glasses)

6.    Have a healthy diet (full of antioxidant , fiber etc)

Over all skin care tips for all types of skin:

1.    To maintain a healthy, glowing, vibrant skin throughout the year, you should

2.    Wash away oils, dead skin, and dirt daily with a gentle cleanser twice a day.

3.    Next apply toner as per your  skin type , specially on your oily area.

4.    Combat wrinkles by using a moisturizer.

5.    Apply sunscreen; this will protect your skin from sun damage.

6.    Don't sleep in your make up. It can cause dryness and breakouts.

7.    Don't smoke. Smoking will make your skin look older, more wrinkled and less healthy. If you already smoke, quitting will improve your skin quality.

8.    Have plenty of water (8-10 glasses)

9.    Have a healthy diet (full of antioxidant, fiber etc)

10. Try to use natural homemade beauty products.

If this article is useful to you then do let me know in the comment section. Thanks for reading.

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