
Sunday 7 April 2019

Benefits & Uses Of Tea Tree Oil

 Tea tree oil is one of the most widely used essential oils .Tea tree oil is nature’s gift for those in need of a remedy for their skin worries. But whether or not you have skin imperfections, you’d find it worthy to know how tea tree oil can do wonders for you.
           No, it's not an oil you cook with, and it doesn't come from the common tea plant that's used in making green and black tea.).
           Instead, tea tree oil—also known as melaleuca oil— a volatile essential oil is derived from the Australian plant Melaleuca alternifolia.
           This yellowish-colored oil fights bacterial, fungal and viral infections. Do not confuse the tea tree with the unrelated common tea plant that is used to make black and green tea.

Benefits & Uses of Tea tree oil:

Antibacterial properties:

1. Due to its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, tea tree oil is found in many natural toothpastes and mouthwashes.

2. Prevents Worsening of Eczema through its antiseptic and antibacterial properties.

3. Because tea tree oil has antimicrobial properties that can kill bacteria, it works as a natural remedy for bad breath.
NOTE: But keep in mind that tea tree oil should not be used internally, so if you are using it as a mouthwash to kill oral germs, make sure to spit it out afterwards and rinse your mouth with water.

4. Tea tree oil has antibacterial properties, so it works great as a natural laundry freshener, especially when your laundry is musty or even moldy.
Tip: Simply add 5–10 drops of tea tree to your laundry detergent and then wash as usual.

5. Another fantastic way to use tea tree oil is as a household cleaner. For its powerful antimicrobial activity it can kill off bad bacteria in your home.
Tip: Mix 5–10 drops of tea tree with water vinegar 5–10 drops of oil. Use it on your counter tops, kitchen appliances, shower, toilet and sinks.

6. Another great reason to use tea tree oil is to eliminate body odor. Tea tree oil has antimicrobial properties that destroy the bacteria on your skin that cause body odor.

7. Tea tree oil is the perfect ingredient in a homemade wound ointment because of its antibacterial and antifungal properties.
Tip: Just make sure to clean a cut first with water and hydrogen peroxide if necessary, then apply 1–3 drops of tea tree oil cover it with a bandage to help fight off infections.

Antifungal properties:

1.  Fights Athlete’s Foot:-With its antifungal properties, tea tree oil can solve your problem with stinky feet. It helps absorb the moisture from your feet and eliminate odor along with the itch that may come with it.
•         For foot odor, combine about half a teaspoon of coconut oil, 2–3 drops of tea tree oil and massage the mixture into your feet.
•         To remove shoe odor, add 5–10 drops of tea tree oil to a spray bottle filled half way with water  spray the inside of your shoes. This works for sports equipment too.

2. The common condition that can cause discoloration, thickening of crumbling of your nails fungus may be successfully treated with tea tree oil.
Tip: Simply put a few drops of tea tree oil directly on the area for 30 days once or twice daily.

3. Tea tree oil's antifungal properties help bust tough mold, which grows in places with lots of moisture.

4. You can also try exfoliating foot scrub recipe that will leave your feet smooth and odor-free.
Antiviral properties:

1. Tea tree oil calms cold sores caused by a strain of the herpes simplex virus and usually on and around your lips, these blisters can be painful and unsightly.
Tip: Tea tree oil, applied with a cotton swab, is helpful in eliminating them.

2. Due to the antiviral properties present in tea tree oil, you can stay free from the worries of warts and much more, prevent its spread to other parts of the body like your hands, feet and genitals.
Tip: With regular use from 1 to 4 weeks, you can halt the growth of warts, dry them out, and eventually let them fall off, naturally.

Other Benefits:

1. Tea tree oil has insecticidal effects and can be used to get rid of head lice.

2. Its antimicrobial properties come to the rescue, acting as a natural treatment for acne. It can control acne by penetrating the skin and clearing clogged sebaceous glands.

3. It will dry out whiteheads, blackheads, pimples and other blemishes, as well as disinfect the pores too If your skin is sensitive to the oil, dilute it with water and dab directly on the zit.

4. Relieves Psoriasis:
           As psoriasis is characterized by dry, scaly skin, tea tree oil counters its effects by getting rid of the dead skin cells.

5. It offers antibacterial, antimicrobial, antiviral, antifungal, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects to provide relief from itching, redness, and burning sensations. Furthermore, it doesn’t only inhibit the excessive production of skin cells.
(Psoriasis can increase a person’s chance of acquiring skin cancer and as tea tree oil can rapidly reduce cancerous tumors, you have more reason to include it in your regimen.)

6.  Works as a Natural Astringent to alleviate the irritation caused from shaving.
Tip: Mix it with witch hazel then use a few drops on areas that usually suffer from razor burn to be relieved from discomforts, as well as unwanted marks that it can leave.

7.   If you want a natural makeup remover, you can make tea tree oil an essential part of your beauty routine.

8.  Tea tree oil also works in the removal of skin tags. While they are not painful, they are very unsightly especially those found in prominent or exposed areas of the body.
Tip: For the best results, use tea tree oil on the affected area directly 3 times a day for 2 weeks.

9. The good news is you can control and manage chickenpox Itch and Scar with the help of tea tree oil. Simply take a warm tea tree oil bath to control itchiness and reduce the risk of scarring your skin.

10. This essential oil can maintain hair health, leave it moisturized, and get rid of flaking scalp and dandruff.

11. Tea tree works as a natural treatment for scabies because it has powerful antimicrobial properties, giving it the ability to heal scabies on top of and beneath the skin.

12. Works as a Natural Insect Repellent:
Tea tree oil is amazing at preventing bug bites as well as treating bites that may have slipped in. Apply oil directly to affected area for immediate relief. Most insect repellents are highly toxic so tea tree oil provides a highly effective alternative.

13. It helps to relieve a cough that’s caused by the common cold or another respiratory condition,
Tip: Combine 1–2 drops of tea tree with a half-teaspoon of coconut oil and rub the mixture into your chest and back of your neck.
Related article

Tea Tree Oil Risks & Precautions

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